Evaluating the Last Four Years Under Biden and Harris: Public Perspectives

The administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris has seen a range of responses from the public as it approaches the end of its term. From pandemic management to economic policies, their time in office has been marked by both commendations and criticisms.

Here’s a detailed overview of how the public views their tenure.

COVID-19 Response and Public Health

Vaccination and Health Policies

The Biden administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was a defining feature of their early years in office. The focus on vaccine distribution and adherence to scientific guidance was widely supported. However, issues such as vaccine rollout efficiency and evolving guidelines on mask-wearing and boosters led to mixed reactions.

Economic Relief Measures

The American Rescue Plan, which provided direct payments to individuals, extended unemployment benefits, and increased child tax credits, was generally praised. Yet, inflationary pressures and the effectiveness of these relief measures remain areas of debate among the public.

Economic Performance and Job Market

Recovery and Inflation

Job growth and a decreasing unemployment rate are notable achievements of the Biden administration. Despite this progress, inflation has been a significant concern for many Americans, affecting household budgets and overall economic sentiment.

Infrastructure Investments

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, aiming to improve transportation, broadband, and clean energy infrastructure, has received positive feedback. It is seen as a substantial investment in the country’s future, although there are ongoing discussions about its long-term impact.

Climate Change and Environmental Policies

Climate Initiatives

Rejoining the Paris Agreement and promoting clean energy projects were key aspects of Biden’s climate policy. Environmental advocates have generally supported these efforts, though some criticize the pace and potential economic impacts of transitioning away from fossil fuels.

Social Issues and Equity

Advancements in Civil Rights

The administration’s focus on civil rights, including measures to address systemic racism and promote LGBTQ+ rights, has been both supported and criticized. Advocates praise the emphasis on equity, while detractors argue that some policies may be divisive or insufficiently broad.

Immigration Reform

Biden’s immigration policies aim to reverse previous administration measures and create a more humane system. Despite some progress, debates over border security and the handling of asylum seekers continue to be contentious.

Foreign Policy and Global Relations

Strengthening Alliances

Biden’s efforts to rebuild alliances and strengthen international relationships have been well-received, particularly in light of challenges such as Russian aggression. However, the withdrawal from Afghanistan remains a controversial topic, with criticisms focused on the execution and aftermath of the operation.

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Public Sentiment

Overall Approval

Public opinion on Biden and Harris’s administration is mixed. Supporters commend their efforts in navigating a complex period, while critics highlight ongoing challenges and unmet expectations. The diverse perspectives reflect a nation during significant transition and recovery.


The last four years under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been characterized by substantial policy shifts and responses to major challenges.

As of 2024, the public’s view of their administration encompasses both achievements and criticisms, shaped by their handling of the pandemic, economic issues, climate change, social justice, and foreign policy. The evolving nature of their presidency continues to influence public opinion and set the stage for future political discourse.


What has been the Biden administration’s approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Biden administration prioritized a robust vaccination campaign, focusing on increasing vaccine availability and distribution. They also implemented mask mandates and promoted public health guidelines based on scientific recommendations. While these measures received praise for their commitment to science, there were criticisms regarding the efficiency of vaccine rollout and mixed messaging about public health protocols.

How has the Biden administration addressed economic challenges, including inflation?

The administration implemented the American Rescue Plan, which provided direct stimulus payments, extended unemployment benefits, and enhanced child tax credits. While these efforts were aimed at economic recovery, inflation has been a significant concern, with rising prices affecting household budgets and leading to debates about the effectiveness of relief measures.

What are the key achievements of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law?

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in 2021, aims to improve the nation’s infrastructure by investing in transportation, broadband expansion, and clean energy projects. It is seen as a major achievement for modernizing the country’s infrastructure and supporting long-term economic growth.

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