Fear of a Trump Loss: What Are Americans Saying?

There was a time when Americans might not have heard about Donald Trump for days or even weeks. It’s hard to believe now. That stopped almost ten years ago when Trump chose to run for president. Now, you can always find him on the evening news and in the morning paper. He makes sure of it by creating chaos, threats, and ongoing debate.

Politico said that he is “the ultimate attention seeker” because he puts his name on everything from buildings and golf courses to people’s minds.

The news media gives him free coverage, writing about his vague threats of violence, complaints of being mistreated, violations of gag orders, and power naps in court. Things that happen during Biden’s presidency get less press interest than Trump’s 11-car motorcade to the courthouse.

Some of us long for the calm times of the “No Drama Obama” administration. Compared to Trump, Joe Biden is incredibly calm, but being calm doesn’t get free media attention. Trump’s behavior with the media makes people worry about basic fairness during an election year. It also makes the American people feel bad.

Some Americans who aren’t in the MAGA group say they’re tired of crises. New polls show that voters from both parties are looking forward to the November election with a mix of tiredness and the knowledge that this is one of the most important elections ever.

Here are some comments on the post:

It didn’t take long for Trump to make people more anxious after he got into national politics. The Oregonian wrote in March 2017 that “President Trump isn’t just dominating every news cycle; he’s also fueling therapy sessions across the country.” Psychologists say that the tumultuous first two months of the Trump administration have made everyone feel anxious.

The New England Journal of Medicine said three months later that “a large portion of U.S. adults are stressed by the present political climate.” “Two-thirds of all adults surveyed said they were stressed about the future of the United States,” the doctors who wrote the study also said.

TIME said in 2017 that “details about the new administration are everywhere on news and social media, and Americans say it’s making them feel stressed.” “Donald Trump is stressing out America,” the Washington Post wrote in 2019. This newspaper said in the fall of 2020, “Four years of Trump have left most Americans stressed.” It was 2021, and author and Vox reporter Anna North let out a sigh of relief that Trump’s time was over.

Read more: Remembering Brad Dummer: A Life of Service and Community

Funeral services for Brad Dummer are being handled by McCorkle Funeral Home in Pecatonica. The community is invited to pay their respects and celebrate his life, reflecting on the many ways he touched the lives of those around him.

“Trump has finally left office,” she wrote, “even though he kept saying he wouldn’t.” But four years of racist speech, calls to violence, and complete chaos have left an indelible mark on the American mind.

Trump may have left office, but he didn’t leave the public eye. In 2023, an opinion piece in The Hill said, “Our political institutions are under the most stress since the Civil War. A former president is facing four indictments and 91 criminal charges.” Because of this, the American Dream is lessened.

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